Answers to Common Questions
- Who is Atlantis Wolf? ... Atlantis Wolf is the name given to me by a shaman, Linda Star Wolf, who I have studied with since 2018. It's called a Spirit Name. I use Atlantis Wolf and Emily Atlantis because my work is between physical and spiritual worlds. I need a way to convey that my work has evolved over the last 13 years. So, I evolved my name. As I like to say, "You can call me Atlantis or Emily, just don't call me late for dinner."
- What is Sano Totum? ... Sano Totum is latin for 'heal the whole.' It is both the name of my business and my goal for each client: to help them heal their whole body, whole being, whole family, whole community, etc. It is an approach to holistic healing, not focusing on one pain point or problem, but looking at the whole entity of a person.
- You used to do medical massage. Are you still doing that? ... Yes, for people who knew me under my former business name, Bliss Medical Massage, and need my continued support, I am happy to welcome you. Clients who only need therapeutic massage will be referred to my business partner, Sable Carter, who is also a licensed massage therapist and shares an office with me. Please use the online scheduler and choose "New Client Medical Massage" with some idea of your condition in the notes for your appointments. Online Scheduler: F(or Sable, use
- Why do you require payment in advance? ... To make business easy. If you pay for your appointment when you schedule it, we can focus on the work in your session rather than the transactional aspect of business.
- Why don't you have a phone number? ... I give my phone number to coaching clients and clients who need it. It cuts unsolicited marketing and spam calls. Also, I'm not prompt at returning voicemails. I return emails. Except Sunday.
- Can I see you in-person? ... Absolutely! I offer 90 minute therapy sessions. Some of my services can be conducted online via Zoom. I also offer in-person full-day personal retreats where I walk a person through massage, emotional release, medicine walk and personal breathwork. It's not on the scheduler. Just email me in you are interested.
- Where should I start? ... If you are a new client, try one of my Group Calls. It's an easy, affordable way to interact with me and see if we are a good fit for each other. The calls are one hour online. They occur on select Thursdays at Noon EST. They are not recorded. You can also schedule a free 30 minute consultation called a Virtual Coffee in the online scheduler.
- Do you offer your services at retreats and corporate wellness events? ... Yes! I love creating workshops and ceremonies for people at retreats. I can bring Shamanic Breathwork, Cacao & Ecstatic Dance ceremony, fire ceremony, emotional release therapy, and any of my recurring workshop topics to a retreat. Email me to discuss details. My sweet spot is working with a group of 10-50 people.
- What does the phrase 'Dragon Medicine' mean? ... I have the ability to see into the Spirit world. You can think of this as behind the veils, into the invisible worlds, seeing dead people, or being clairvoyant. When I meditate or focus my attention, I often see dragons - different shapes, species, colors, and clans. Dragons are talismans of personal power. They represent the unity of Soul and Ego. When a client is releasing an unexpressed emotion, dark energy, or negativity, the dragons consume it the way you and I would eat food. The energy lifts out and above the person's body. I see it in the form of vapor, little bits like corn chips, big balls of energy like meatballs, and sometimes as a liquid. And I see it happen while working on the client. But I don't usually tell them. They just know they feel better. I don't usually share what I see. Unless people ask.
- Is everyone clairvoyant? ... No, but we all have a clair sense. We all have an extrasensory ability to sense into spiritual experiences. All the senses we have in the physical world exist in the spiritual world. It's like walking between worlds, physical and meta-physical. You can either see, taste, touch (kinestetically), or have a knowing with spirits. One friend can taste the other side! Clairgustofsence. I can lead you on a guided meditation to see which sense is strongest for you. It's one of my recurring workshops.
- Do you offer private breathwork ceremonies? ... Yes! I offer in-person, private Shamanic Breathwork (breathe into your heart-space) and Dragon Activation Breathwork (breathe with Dragons) in my office. Fee is $225 for the two hour ceremony. I schedule privately because the music is loud and I consider my business partner's clients. Normally, they are scheduled at 4pm or later, Mon - Sat. Just send an inquiry email (below) and we can schedule it.
Send me your question. I'm happy to help.