Group Calls:
Guided Online Teachings
Like tribal gatherings around a fire, when we gather in a circle,
we are all equally adding our wisdom to collective energy in the center.
We find that our stories are similar to one another.
What helped me get through a mental crisis or physical ailment, may help you.
By gathering our experiences and sharing how we moved through them, we help each other.
Each group call is an on-line class with a topic. One hour, one topic.
The topic is presented to the group then open for sharing.
Each person has an opportunity to speak. but is not required to participate.
In my experience, many people go through similar challenges and hardships.
What helps me get through a divorce or the death of a parent may help you.
After years of 1:1 coaching, I'm offering a free group experience
to create a community around common coaching topics.
Topics will be offered on a rotating basis.
Some topics will be tied to holidays or special astrological events.
Registration is required 24 hours before the call.
Classes on select Sundays at 2pm EST / 7pm UK Time.
See EVENTS page for current schedule.
Calls will not be recorded. Registration is transferable, but not refundable.
Rate: Free/60 min on-line call
we are all equally adding our wisdom to collective energy in the center.
We find that our stories are similar to one another.
What helped me get through a mental crisis or physical ailment, may help you.
By gathering our experiences and sharing how we moved through them, we help each other.
Each group call is an on-line class with a topic. One hour, one topic.
The topic is presented to the group then open for sharing.
Each person has an opportunity to speak. but is not required to participate.
In my experience, many people go through similar challenges and hardships.
What helps me get through a divorce or the death of a parent may help you.
After years of 1:1 coaching, I'm offering a free group experience
to create a community around common coaching topics.
Topics will be offered on a rotating basis.
Some topics will be tied to holidays or special astrological events.
Registration is required 24 hours before the call.
Classes on select Sundays at 2pm EST / 7pm UK Time.
See EVENTS page for current schedule.
Calls will not be recorded. Registration is transferable, but not refundable.
Rate: Free/60 min on-line call
It is in the shelter of each other that people live.
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.
-Irish Proverb
Past Topics:
Group Call Topic Descriptions
in alphabetical order
in alphabetical order
Akashic Records: All Knowledge is Accessible
“The ancients had a term in the mystical tradition called the Akashic Records, which was suggestive that nature didn’t lose it’s experience, that the information accumulated was available forever.” -Edgar Mitchell
This call is an introduction to the concept of the Akashic Records and a guided meditation of personal experience.
The Most Ancient Guides: What is the difference between Angel energy and Dragon energy?
"The oldest beings in the universe are Angels and Dragons." -M.E. Zondra
Angels and Dragons work together to assist humans on their soul journey while they are living on Earth. Part of our lessons here at Earth School require us to start with remembering we are immortal light incarnated (temporarily) in an elemental form.
Dragon Guide: Connect to Your Personal Dragon
"People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons from within." - Ursula K. Le Guin
This call is an introduction with my personal experience with dragons in a moment of standing up for myself for the first time and how they are part of my healing work. I'll lead a guided meditation to connect you to your dragon.
Drop Your Baggage: Release Unexpressed Emotions
"None but ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley
This call introduces the principles of the Emotion Code and how trapped or unreleased emotions can cause health ailments. Volunteers will be walked through a live session to release trapped emotions.
Finding Your Power Animal Spirit Guide: Wisdom-keepers Walk With You
"The Soul that sees Beauty may sometimes walk alone." -Goethe
Every person has a power animal that is working with them while they are living their Earth journey. The power animal is often assisted by a small group or totem of other animals to assist you with soul lessons.
Fire Ceremony: Permanently Release a Story or Belief
"Nothing focuses the mind like a flame." - Anonymous
Fire is the most spiritual of the elements, transforming an object into heat and light. It is the symbol of death and rebirth, the phoenix phase. Learn how to release a binding so you can make room for new light to arrive in your life.
Galactic Time and the 13 Moon Calendar: Time is Art
"If the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature."
We are galactic beings living in cycles and rhythms aligned with stars and planets. Flow with natural time and watch your demeanor change as you settle into the ups and downs of the waves in a day and night.
Grief Ceremony: How to Honor and Mark a Death
"Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality." - Emily Dickinson
"We know not the depth of our love, until the hour of separation." -Kahlil Gibran
To grieve is natural and normal. But has no timetable. Often we are told to ignore our sadness or to push through it. "You'll get over it," they say. But no. Grief is a personal journey. Honor your memory and find peace with the passing.
Happy Kisses: Would you Know Happiness if it Kissed You on the Cheek?
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination." -Anonymous
We know when we feel pain, loss, and sorrow. But do we recognize happiness? We claim to want it as if climbing an insurmountable summit. What's at the top? What part is in every step?
Healthy Sleep Habits: Easy Steps to Improve Your Vitality
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” — Anthony Burgess
Systems will save you. And sleep is critical to every function in the body from digestion to cellular regeneration. Sleep is our gateway to health and longevity. Learn a few key ways to get better sleep and begin each day refreshed.
Intro to Drumming: Connect to the Heartbeat of the Earth
"Practice from the head, play from the heart." - Brendan Jones
We are gestated in a drumming body. We heard our mother's heartbeat as our first sound. Connect to that ancient rhythm and feel the connection to Mother Earth.
Intro to Shamanism: Your Existence is Elemental
"The word "shaman" means "one who sees in the dark." Shamans consciously choose to live in two different worlds at the same time. They have one foot here in the everyday world and one foot in the world of the spirits." -Colleen Deatsman
Your body is the Earth; the Earth is your body. Be introduced to the concepts of how the elements - earth, air, fire, and water - create your existence between the physical and non-physical world.
Medicine Wheel: You are the Shamanic Center of your Universe
"If you have it in you to dream, you have it in you to succeed." - Alwyn Morris, indigenous Olympian
Imagine yourself at the center of a wheel with the four cardinal directions around you. On this model, you can work with the four elements, the four stages of personal change, and connect your physical reality to your spiritual senses.
Pierce the Veil: Make Contact with People or Pets Who Have Died
"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me." - Emily Dickinson
In the shamanic world, we call the portal between the physical and spiritual worlds "The Veils." It's possible to use breathwork and guided meditation to pass through the veils to connect your heart, mind, and soul with a person or animal companion.
Press the Pause Button: How to Shift Rage into Choice-Point in Three Breaths
“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” - Albert Einstein
When the brain is triggered into an emotional response, there is an opportunity in 1.8 seconds to re-trigger or move into a sacred pause. This is the foundation of allowing waves of emotion to go through us instead of being trapped inside.
Sacred No: How to Set Emotional Boundaries
No is a complete sentence." - Oprah Winfrey
This call is about standing in your power and establishing a boundary of interaction with all the people in your life. I'll be role-playing and asking for volunteers to let me be the person who steps on their boundaries so we can practice saying no.
Spiral Path: How to perceive change
"The path isn't a straight line; it's a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths." - Barry H. Gillespie
As we acquire experiences, we often return to situations that cause trauma or emotionally triggered responses. If we see these patterns and notice how we react, we can change our response.
Taste of Shamanic Breathwork: Breath Until You're Surprised
"The light, the dark, no different." - Linda Star Wolf
Shamanic Breathwork was invented and trademarked by Linda Star Wolf 30 years ago. Explore this shortened version of breathing to a curated playlist while being guided through an opportunity for deep meditation.
The Art of Muscle Testing: Access Your Body's Intelligence and Let it Guide You
"If you can build a muscle, you can build a mindset." - Jay Shetty
We can trick our brain into believing one thing or another. But our body doesn't lie. Using applied kinesiology techniques, practice and master the art of the second opinion.
Trust Yourself: Where is Your Intuition Located in Your Body?
"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." - Jiddhu Krishnamurti
Although the mind is the focus of our formal education and library of past experiences, the body holds our knowing truths. Learn where your body is talking to you.
Weight Loss, Soul Retrieval: Release physical and emotional weight
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." -Alice Walker
From personal experience, I know weight loss isn't always about eating habits and exercise. Often there are emotions woven into physical manifestations of body size. This workshop is a sharing circle to look at all aspects of embodiment - releasing trapped emotions limiting your health, calling in spirit guides to help your journey, and rediscovering how to give your body love and attention. I'll share my story of how I lost 84 lbs 22 years ago.
What's Your Clair?: Find Your Strongest Psychic Sense
"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt with the Heart." - Helen Keller
You have physical senses and extrasensory abilities to "sense" invisible vibrations. Shamans call it sensing "behind the veils," when you can see or hear spiritual beings, or feel their presence close to you. In this call, I'll guide you through a meditation to discover what psychic ability you have and give you tips on how to begin working with it.
“The ancients had a term in the mystical tradition called the Akashic Records, which was suggestive that nature didn’t lose it’s experience, that the information accumulated was available forever.” -Edgar Mitchell
This call is an introduction to the concept of the Akashic Records and a guided meditation of personal experience.
The Most Ancient Guides: What is the difference between Angel energy and Dragon energy?
"The oldest beings in the universe are Angels and Dragons." -M.E. Zondra
Angels and Dragons work together to assist humans on their soul journey while they are living on Earth. Part of our lessons here at Earth School require us to start with remembering we are immortal light incarnated (temporarily) in an elemental form.
Dragon Guide: Connect to Your Personal Dragon
"People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons from within." - Ursula K. Le Guin
This call is an introduction with my personal experience with dragons in a moment of standing up for myself for the first time and how they are part of my healing work. I'll lead a guided meditation to connect you to your dragon.
Drop Your Baggage: Release Unexpressed Emotions
"None but ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley
This call introduces the principles of the Emotion Code and how trapped or unreleased emotions can cause health ailments. Volunteers will be walked through a live session to release trapped emotions.
Finding Your Power Animal Spirit Guide: Wisdom-keepers Walk With You
"The Soul that sees Beauty may sometimes walk alone." -Goethe
Every person has a power animal that is working with them while they are living their Earth journey. The power animal is often assisted by a small group or totem of other animals to assist you with soul lessons.
Fire Ceremony: Permanently Release a Story or Belief
"Nothing focuses the mind like a flame." - Anonymous
Fire is the most spiritual of the elements, transforming an object into heat and light. It is the symbol of death and rebirth, the phoenix phase. Learn how to release a binding so you can make room for new light to arrive in your life.
Galactic Time and the 13 Moon Calendar: Time is Art
"If the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature."
We are galactic beings living in cycles and rhythms aligned with stars and planets. Flow with natural time and watch your demeanor change as you settle into the ups and downs of the waves in a day and night.
Grief Ceremony: How to Honor and Mark a Death
"Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality." - Emily Dickinson
"We know not the depth of our love, until the hour of separation." -Kahlil Gibran
To grieve is natural and normal. But has no timetable. Often we are told to ignore our sadness or to push through it. "You'll get over it," they say. But no. Grief is a personal journey. Honor your memory and find peace with the passing.
Happy Kisses: Would you Know Happiness if it Kissed You on the Cheek?
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination." -Anonymous
We know when we feel pain, loss, and sorrow. But do we recognize happiness? We claim to want it as if climbing an insurmountable summit. What's at the top? What part is in every step?
Healthy Sleep Habits: Easy Steps to Improve Your Vitality
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” — Anthony Burgess
Systems will save you. And sleep is critical to every function in the body from digestion to cellular regeneration. Sleep is our gateway to health and longevity. Learn a few key ways to get better sleep and begin each day refreshed.
Intro to Drumming: Connect to the Heartbeat of the Earth
"Practice from the head, play from the heart." - Brendan Jones
We are gestated in a drumming body. We heard our mother's heartbeat as our first sound. Connect to that ancient rhythm and feel the connection to Mother Earth.
Intro to Shamanism: Your Existence is Elemental
"The word "shaman" means "one who sees in the dark." Shamans consciously choose to live in two different worlds at the same time. They have one foot here in the everyday world and one foot in the world of the spirits." -Colleen Deatsman
Your body is the Earth; the Earth is your body. Be introduced to the concepts of how the elements - earth, air, fire, and water - create your existence between the physical and non-physical world.
Medicine Wheel: You are the Shamanic Center of your Universe
"If you have it in you to dream, you have it in you to succeed." - Alwyn Morris, indigenous Olympian
Imagine yourself at the center of a wheel with the four cardinal directions around you. On this model, you can work with the four elements, the four stages of personal change, and connect your physical reality to your spiritual senses.
Pierce the Veil: Make Contact with People or Pets Who Have Died
"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me." - Emily Dickinson
In the shamanic world, we call the portal between the physical and spiritual worlds "The Veils." It's possible to use breathwork and guided meditation to pass through the veils to connect your heart, mind, and soul with a person or animal companion.
Press the Pause Button: How to Shift Rage into Choice-Point in Three Breaths
“He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.” - Albert Einstein
When the brain is triggered into an emotional response, there is an opportunity in 1.8 seconds to re-trigger or move into a sacred pause. This is the foundation of allowing waves of emotion to go through us instead of being trapped inside.
Sacred No: How to Set Emotional Boundaries
No is a complete sentence." - Oprah Winfrey
This call is about standing in your power and establishing a boundary of interaction with all the people in your life. I'll be role-playing and asking for volunteers to let me be the person who steps on their boundaries so we can practice saying no.
Spiral Path: How to perceive change
"The path isn't a straight line; it's a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths." - Barry H. Gillespie
As we acquire experiences, we often return to situations that cause trauma or emotionally triggered responses. If we see these patterns and notice how we react, we can change our response.
Taste of Shamanic Breathwork: Breath Until You're Surprised
"The light, the dark, no different." - Linda Star Wolf
Shamanic Breathwork was invented and trademarked by Linda Star Wolf 30 years ago. Explore this shortened version of breathing to a curated playlist while being guided through an opportunity for deep meditation.
The Art of Muscle Testing: Access Your Body's Intelligence and Let it Guide You
"If you can build a muscle, you can build a mindset." - Jay Shetty
We can trick our brain into believing one thing or another. But our body doesn't lie. Using applied kinesiology techniques, practice and master the art of the second opinion.
Trust Yourself: Where is Your Intuition Located in Your Body?
"Intuition is the whisper of the soul." - Jiddhu Krishnamurti
Although the mind is the focus of our formal education and library of past experiences, the body holds our knowing truths. Learn where your body is talking to you.
Weight Loss, Soul Retrieval: Release physical and emotional weight
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." -Alice Walker
From personal experience, I know weight loss isn't always about eating habits and exercise. Often there are emotions woven into physical manifestations of body size. This workshop is a sharing circle to look at all aspects of embodiment - releasing trapped emotions limiting your health, calling in spirit guides to help your journey, and rediscovering how to give your body love and attention. I'll share my story of how I lost 84 lbs 22 years ago.
What's Your Clair?: Find Your Strongest Psychic Sense
"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt with the Heart." - Helen Keller
You have physical senses and extrasensory abilities to "sense" invisible vibrations. Shamans call it sensing "behind the veils," when you can see or hear spiritual beings, or feel their presence close to you. In this call, I'll guide you through a meditation to discover what psychic ability you have and give you tips on how to begin working with it.
Got a question?
If you have a question that you would like addressed in a Group Call, please email me at [email protected].
Here to help, -A
Here to help, -A